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Junction Mine
Junction Mine at Broken Hill was developed from 1884 and from 1886 to closure in 1923 the Broken Hill Junction Silver Mining Co. produced ore to the value of £1.2 million. The mine was reworked by North Broken Hill Ltd between 1946 and 1962, and again by South Broken Hill Ltd. until 1972.

The wooden headframe is the oldest on the line of lode and was erected at Browne Shaft in the 1890s athough it has been modified several times. The winding enginehouse and ore bins here date from the 1946 reworking.
Fotografin / Fotograf:David Kitching
Alle Bilder von:David Kitching - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:08.November 2013
Abmessungen:1024 x 654 Pixel
Angezeigt:9319 mal
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