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Accueil > Bergbau (Mining) > Bergbau Frankreich (France)
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In activity between 1880 and 1914, the mines of phosphates of the Languedoc exploited lenticular fillings of karstic cavities. This old caves was dug into thick cretaceous limestones. Because of this geologic nature, the aspect of these exploitations is particularly chaotic.
The image shows one of these cavities after exploitation of the phosphated ore. The place is crossed by a former haulage railway, lined with low walls of stones.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Olivier Bricaud
Tous photos dés:Olivier Bricaud - anzeigen
Date d'ajout: 5 Sep 2012
Dimensions:1000 x 664 pixels
Affichées:6914 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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