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what remains of the ex Westinghouse (at the right) and the unavoidable real estate speculation around it, Torino (I)
Westinghouse was a supplier of brakes and other parts for trains. It is conveniently just in front of the OGR (Officine Grandi Riparazioni, large repair workshop, for trains). The building was originally built by the Rapid car corporation. Difficult to believe, but in the '20s there were several car makers in Turin, Rapid, Diatto, Spa, etc., not only Fiat
Fotografin / Fotograf:Giovanni Maria Sacco
Alle Bilder von:Giovanni Maria Sacco - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:21.November 2018
Abmessungen:1080 x 845 Pixel
Angezeigt:6373 mal
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